
Cyclone Gabrielle: Rotorua to rock as

Te Arawa kapa haka groups raise pūtea for Te Tai Rāwhiti

Six Te Arawa kapa haka made it to Te Matatini this year and five of them made it into the top 12 finalists. Now they have returned home to raise pūtea for whānau affected by Cyclone Gabrielle in Te Tai Rāwhiti and Ngāti Kahungunu on Sunday at Te Kouramāwhitiwit (the Rotorua lakefront).

It will be a day for whānau to gather, a chance to connect with Māori culture and a time to give gratitude and assist those that who support and aid the most.

Watu Mihinui, of Tuhourangi - Ngāti Wahiao descent, is delighted to be able to support such a generous kaupapa, one that will live on in the thoughts of both those who will perform and those who will help and support in the financing of whānau impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Link to article: Cyclone Gabrielle: Rotorua to rock as Te Arawa kapa haka groups raise pūtea for Te Tai Rāwhiti - NZ Herald


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