An association of tangata whenua social workers that commits to support tangata whenua practitioners

A te wa, ma te wa, kua tai mai te ra, kia tutangata tatou i roto te mana o to tatou rangatiratanga

Now and in time, in this day we stand together in our rangatiratanga.

Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association

The development of ‘by Maori for Maori’ services has grown progressively over the past twenty years. Maori practice models, Maori frameworks, Maori fields of practice and iwi/Maori social services are all assertions of rangatiratanga.

An Association of Social Workers that commits to support Maori practitioners is a natural progression of the aspiration. It has been the vision of tangata whenua practitioners within the social services sector for many years.  

The need to develop an ethical framework, practice standards, competencies and professional development opportunities that acknowledge mohiotanga, matauranga, maramatanga, matatautanga and marautanga provided the impetus for the establishment of the Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association.

The seed was planted by the visionaries, nurtured by the foundation members and its growth will be evident to all. 

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A te wa, ma te wa, takiri mai te ata, pakiri mai te mana. Hiko whakamua ou waariu o  matekitetanga, hei hapai to tatou rangatiratanga.

The dawn is breaking to strengthen our organisation to move forward with our values and visions to sustain our rangatiratanga.


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