
Historic Northland pā site with links to Ngāpuhi chief Hongi Hika

to be handed back to iwi

An historic Northland pā site with links to Ngāpuhi chief Hongi Hika is to be handed back to iwi, after collaboration between the Government, private landowners and local hapū.

“It is fitting that the ceremony for the return of the Pākinga Pā site is during Waitangi weekend,” Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan said when making the announcement on Sunday.

Allan said the return of the site west of Kaikohe reflects the continuing partnership between the Crown and iwi, and the determination of local Pākehā and Māori landowners to honour the shared history of their community.

“The Coleman family and the Nikora whānau currently own the farmland, which includes the location of the historic pā, as well as the access road needed to open up the site as a heritage, cultural and education centre for visitors and locals,” she said.

Link to article: Historic Northland pā site with links to Ngāpuhi chief Hongi Hika to be handed back to iwi - NZ Herald


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