
B.C. Association of Social Workers

calls on province for tighter regulation

The B.C. Association of Social Workers is calling for the province to make registering with the regulatory college mandatory for all social workers in the province.

Right now it is voluntary for many, including those who are employed by the provincial Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or the federal government.

“It’s a public safety issue,” said Michael Crawford, the president of the B.C. Association of Social Workers.

“When people are seeking help and they sit down in front of a person that refers to themselves as a social worker they currently have no guarantee that that person has social work education…they have no guarantee that if they have concerns about that person’s practice that they can refer their complaint to a regulatory college.”

Link to video and article: B.C. Association of Social Workers calls on province for tighter regulation | Globalnews.ca


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