
'I'm still a social worker'

says the chief executive of 78,000 Ngāi Tahu

Arihia Bennett (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) has been the chief executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu since 2012. Here she reflects on her work and her life, as told to Kevin Norquay.

Being in this role, one needs to come with some capability, and it’s the fusion of heart and head that really matters when you are leading a whānau of more than 78,000 members – especially when the end goal is all about intergenerational wellbeing.

As a child I was one of five tamariki and then later as a “grown-up”, we grew into a multi-generational household and that has been my way of life.

In Christchurch, then back in Tuahiwi, we were brought up knowing our Ngāi Tahu side and our dad kept us closely linked with our Ngāti Porou whānau.

Link to video and article: 'I'm still a social worker' says the chief executive of 78,000 Ngāi Tahu | Stuff.co.nz


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