
Otago University PhD student

researching mātauranga Māori to uplift Māori health outcomes

Otago University PhD student Mana Mitchell will use a $138k health research grant to further develop mātauranga Māori to guide biomedical research.

Mitchell (Ngāti Maniapoto) is one of the 19 researchers and students from Otago awarded $3.8 million as part of the latest Health Research Council’s development awards.

Two years into his PhD studies and three years into his medical degree. Mitchell says that today’s medical practices are not working for Māori, and are one of his drivers to want to do better in his research - for his people.

“Like most Māori, I’ve lost a few whānau members to extremely preventable diseases that affect Māori disproportionately. It’s a disparity that doesn’t seem to be going away,” he says.

Link to article: Otago University PhD student researching mātauranga Māori to uplift Māori health outcomes - NZ Herald


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