
More absconding youth on electronically monitored bail

linked to younger offenders

More than 100 young people, many linked to the rise in high-level repeat offending by young criminals, have absconded while on electronic monitoring in the past 12 months — an increase of more than 200 per cent in five years.

A prominent youth worker says the surge in absconding is likely due to offenders getting younger, prompting a call for harsher punishment for recidivist lawbreakers as Auckland continues to be plagued by brazen ram raids and smash-and-grab robberies.

Data released exclusively to the Herald shows 108 absconding incidents — usually meaning someone has removed their tracker — by 262 people aged 12-17 who were on electronically monitored (EM) bail in the 2021/2022 financial year.

Link to video and article: More absconding youth on electronically monitored bail linked to younger offenders - NZ Herald


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