
Worries over teen vaping

rise in New Plymouth

Highlands Intermediate has disciplined 17 students so far this year for vaping on school grounds - which has been legally prohibited since last year.

Principal Mark Luff was so worried about an increase in the number of students caught vaping or vaping equipment that he sent out a general alert to parents.

"We're not seeing huge numbers, but it's just a consistent flow of it and we're realistic we're not the only school in New Zealand experiencing this.

"We know when we talk to colleagues it's happening all around the country and it's something we are struggling to control if that makes any sense."

He said vaping at school, which had a roll of about 700, had become more common over the past three years and the problem was not going away.

Link to article: Worries over teen vaping rise in New Plymouth | RNZ News


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