
The Taranaki school melding

te reo, tikanga, te Tiriti and e-sports

Mixing Māori traditions with the booming world of e-sports is one way a Taranaki college is weaving Te Tiriti o Waitangi into the fabric of student learning.

A key focus at New Plymouth’s Spotswood College is digital fluency and finding ways to bridge the technology divide, which exists between home and school for some whānau.

Principal Nicola Ngarewa said the Education and Training Act puts Te Tiriti o Waitangi at the forefront of learning and there was an expectation on schools to deliver curriculum centred on New Zealand history as well as mātauranga Māori, or Māori knowledge.

Link to article: The Taranaki school melding te reo, tikanga, te Tiriti and e-sports | Stuff.co.nz


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