
Māori growers

say stop eating whiteness

A Māori environmental researcher and organic farmer says Māori need to rebuild their food systems in preparation for climate change.

Dr Jessica Hutchings from Papawhakaritorito Charitable Trust teamed up with the national Māori organic growers rōpū Te Waka Kai Ora to run an online wananga on soil and climate issues, which attracted more than 250 participants.

She says Māori have become trapped in a global food system that colonises their foodscapes.

“We’re eating whiteness. We’re eating colonisation in our every day. So while we are doing all this work as Maori to revitalise te reo Māori, to exercising kaitiakitanga, to bring our hauora practices to our whānau, we really need to turn our attention now to rebuilding our foodscapes as Māori,” she says.

Link to interview and article: Māori growers | Tangata Whenua Social Workers Association (rocketspark.co.nz)


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