
What's the price to pay for trampling marae tikanga

during anti-mandate protests?

A warning to all those who trampled marae tikanga during the mass anti-mandate protests earlier this year: restore balance or the burden of shame from those transgressions could be carried by your descendants for generations. Florence Kerr reports.

During the 23-day occupation of Parliament by anti-mandate protesters, *Rawiri, a designer based in Auckland, was tasked with trawling social media.
His job was to check protest footage and report back to his koro.

“They’re not on there,,” Rawiri would tell his Koro, who was in the Far North. “Right-o. Pōmārie,” his koro would respond. Then the line would go dead.

Rawiri only wanted his first name used. He didn’t want to out his cousins nor did he want to be publicly connected to them.

Link to video and article: What's the price to pay for trampling marae tikanga during anti-mandate protests? | Stuff.co.nz


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