
Not ‘two and done’:

education to lift Māori booster uptake

Marlborough Primary Health Organisation chief executive Beth Tester said this week, about 2500 boosters were being administered at the Henry St vaccination centre and in pharmacies every week.

On a good day, 400 to 500 people were getting their boosters at Henry St.

But she said they needed more Māori and Pasifika to come forward, as uptake was currently tracking behind other ethnicities.

Manu Ora mātanga rata (general practitioner) Dr Sara Simmons said the booster roll-out would require getting clear information to Māori about why it was important.

"We've done the hard work in getting the vaccination rates for the first two," Simmons said.

"What's been shown with getting those vaccination rates up, is if people do have good information, then generally they are able to make good decisions."

Link to article: Not ‘two and done’: education to lift Māori booster uptake | RNZ News


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