
Luxon should listen, not talk,

with iwi Māori - Finlayson

National's former treaty negotiations minister Chris Finlayson has confidence new leader Chris Luxon can build a strong relationship with Māori, but warns him not to be waylaid by cliches like 'one law for all'.

Luxon, a former businessman, is fresh to politics with only a year in Parliament under his belt and one of the big questions about his approach will be the party's attitude towards Māori.

He took over the leadership after Judith Collins was removed by the caucus last Thursday.

Collins' own relationship with Māori was fractious - on the plus side her deputy Shane Reti has been a staunch advocate for iwi, but her criticism of the government has often relied on tactics that have themselves been criticised as race-baiting.

Link to article: Luxon should listen, not talk, with iwi Māori - Finlayson (msn.com)


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