
Loading Docs: HAKA haha -

foreign videos turn Māori culture into a joke

Māori filmmaker Corinna Hunziker was tired of seeing viral videos containing embarrassing renditions of the Ka Mate Haka performed by foreigners for a laugh.

Hammed up renditions in recent years include the British Tavistock Day Case Theatre nurses performing a Covid-related version of Ka Mate, and the "#bollyhaka" dancers from the Czech Republic performing a mock haka with painted faces.

These and other offensive depictions have been labelled "shockers", creating frustration among Kiwis for the misappropriation of Māori culture.

Link to article and video: Loading Docs: HAKA haha - foreign videos turn Māori culture into a joke - NZ Herald

A new Loading Docs short documentary HAKA haha released on nzherald.co.nz today explores the misuse of the haka. It features Hahana star John-Perry Porter Te Anini interviewing four Māori – from a cow whisperer to a florist – posing the question, 'When is it okay to haka?'


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