
Learning the features of verbs

in te reo

In attempting to learn another language it’s frequently the forms of verbs which present the major difficulties.

As has been observed previously in this column, this is much less of a problem with te reo Māori.
In te reo the base word used as a verb remains constant regardless of tense, person or number: I haere / au. (“I went.”) E haere ana / rātou. (“They are going.”) Kua haere / a Mere. (“Mary has gone.”)

But although the tenses of verbs in te reo are less problematic than in many languages, there are other features which need to be considered. Various prefixes and suffixes, may be added to verb base words. Some of these have been topics in previous columns, but before proceeding with fuller consideration here, the main points about verbs in te reo should perhaps be restated.

Link to article: Learning the features of verbs in te reo | Stuff.co.nz


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