
Report finding 18,000 more children pushed into poverty

disputed by Jacinda Ardern

The report from the Child Poverty Action Group points the finger of blame squarely at the Government but Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is disputing the numbers.

One Auckland teen who's currently in emergency housing says COVID-19 was the tipping point. 

"COVID lockdown was pretty rough... couch surfing with family... out on the streets... if I had to I'd sleep at internet cafes or park benches, anywhere like that," he told Newshub. 

He's not alone. The Child Poverty Action Group's latest report estimates 18,000 more children are in poverty since the first COVID-19 lockdown last year - that's a 10 percent increase.

"Homelessness has increased, financial insecurity has increased, food insecurity has increased and all the mental health issues around that have increased," said Leah Bain of the Public Health Association. 

Link to article and video: Report finding 18,000 more children pushed into poverty disputed by Jacinda Ardern (msn.com)


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