
Effective teaching for Māori

and other marginalised students

Building relationships is the key to educators helping marginalised students achieve, a Māori academic has told the Timaru North/South Kahui Ako (Community of Learning).

The group of 395 early childhood education, primary school and high school teachers, as well as support staff, attended the presentation on more effective teaching by Waikato University Emeritus Professor of Māori Russell Bishop (Tainui) at Craighead Diocesan School on Friday.

Bishop developed Collaborative Storying, the subject of his 1995 doctorate, after a time when research into Māoridom was prohibited for non-Māori in the 1970s and ‘80s.

As it was limited to those who could prove their Māori linkages in order to be trusted, Bishop had to prove his genealogy to do research into his Māori mother’s family.

Link to article: Effective teaching for Māori and other marginalised students | Stuff.co.nz


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