
Mindfulness study:

'That concept just seems so familiar to me as a Māori'

Karakia and connecting with te hā (the breath) were among mindfulness practices found to improve health outcomes of wāhine Māori suffering chronic stress.

As part of her doctoral research at Massey University's School of Psychology, Dr Miriama Ketu-McKenzie (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Rongomai and Ngāti Whakatere) ran a "Māori-centric mindfulness programme" for eight weeks.

Her research found mindfulness practices which "wove in Māori elements" helped regulate the hormone cortisol, a marker of stress, in the wāhine Māori participants.

Link to article: Mindfulness study: 'That concept just seems so familiar to me as a Māori' - NZ Herald


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