
'We want the whenua back':

Iwi occupies Department of Conservation land in Northland

Originally published by Māori Television

An occupation has begun in the Whangārei area to put a halt to a transfer of land from the Department of Conservation to the Whangārei District Council.

Pātaua South is 30 minutes from Whangārei, and local iwi Te Waiariki and Ngāti Kororā began occupying land at the DoC carpark in Pātaua South in protest of a potential sale of 57ha of land owned by the Harrison family of Pātaua. The iwi has been in discussions to buy the land but time is running out.

Hori Parata says the local iwi is concerned at some of the decisions being made. "The Department of Conservation and the district council without any consultation from us, the tangata whenua, went ahead and vested the piece of road here into the district council, allowing there to be a legal access."

Link to article: 'We want the whenua back': Iwi occupies Department of Conservation land in Northland - NZ Herald


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