
Children still living in poverty

but number of whānau struggling to provide the basics drops - Stats NZ

There has been little annual change in the number of children living in poverty across most measures, but there has been a drop in the number of whānau struggling to provide the basics.

Stats NZ has just released the latest official child poverty figures, for the year ended June 2020.
The numbers come from the household economic survey, which had to stop collecting data when the country went into lockdown.

That means they provide a picture of child poverty before the pandemic.

Stats NZ said all nine child poverty measures showed downward trends compared to two years ago.
However, year-on-year, the changes are less significant on some measures.

While material hardship measures - which looks at the ability of families to provide essentials, such as shoes, or the ability to pay for doctor's visits - decreased compared to 2019, low-income measures were relatively unchanged, Stats NZ said.

One in nine children were living in material hardship, down from one in eight a year earlier.

Link to article: Children still living in poverty but number of whānau struggling to provide the basics drops - Stats NZ | RNZ News


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