
More Māori, Pasifika in

damp, mouldy homes than previously reported

Earlier this year, Stats NZ released its findings on people living in occupied private dwellings. The information was taken from the first ever nationwide data collected on household damp and mould, gathered in the 2018 Census.

The Census asked the degree to which a house was damp, sometimes damp, or always damp. Dampness is defined as when a dwelling feels or smells damp or has damp patches on the wall, ceiling, floor or window frames.

It has since revised its findings, and is now basing its figures on the total number of people who answered either the mould or damp question, rather than the total population.

The updated figures show 40.3 percent of Māori and 45.9 percent of Pacific people lived in damp homes at the time of the Census, compared with just 24.2 percent for New Zealand overall.

Link to article: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/422650/more-maori-pasifika-in-damp-mouldy-homes-than-previously-reported


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