
COVID-19 Is Devastating World’s Indigenous Communities Beyond the Immediate Health Threat

“Indigenous peoples denied their freedom of expression and association.”

By Catherine Caruso May 21, 2020

Why Global Citizens Should Care:

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is increasing inequalities across the globe by disproportionately impacting people living in poverty and marginalized communities. Join us and take action to combat the coronavirus here

Indigenous communities are being devastated by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic beyond the immediate threat to their lives, according to UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples José Francisco Cali Tzay. 

COVID-19 is exacerbating the inequalities indigenous communities face daily, Tzay said in a statement on Monday. He expressed concerns for the rights, culture, and way of life of indigenous peoples around the world amid the pandemic. 

“I am receiving more reports every day from all corners of the globe about how indigenous communities are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said in the statement, “and it deeply worries me to see it is not always about health issues.” 

Amid nationwide lockdowns and social distancing orders, indigenous peoples are being denied their basic human rights, including freedom of expression and association, Tzay continued.

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