
Indigenous COVID-19 cases top 500,

danger mapped in Brazil agricultural hub

by on 18 May 2020

Indigenous groups in Brazil are reeling from COVID-19 as infections and the death toll rise, with 540 cases and 103 deaths among 38 ethnic groups now reported by Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples’ Articulation (APIB).

APIB says that the real numbers are likely much higher due to notification delays and underreporting.

Worst hit is Amazonas state which has recorded 78 indigenous deaths, and its capital, the rainforest metropolis Manaus, where officials say the health system has collapsed.

Messias Kokama, leader of Parque das Tribos, an indigenous community on the outskirts of Manaus was buried last week.

Now, the disease is spreading into the vast state’s far-flung and underserved interior towns, further endangering indigenous communities.

So far, Brazil is the hardest hit country by COVID-19 in South America. Cases are increasing by 10-15 thousand per day and as of Monday there had been more than 16,000 deaths.

Full Article:  https://news.mongabay.com/2020...


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