
Rotorua Three Waters reform:

Ratepayers could save thousands

Rotorua households could save nearly $4000 a year by 2054 under the revised “once-in-a-generation” Three Waters plans, the Government claims.

But the city’s mayor, Tania Tapsell, says there’s no evidence of how it would be a fair deal for Rotorua and worries locals will end up footing other district’s bills.

Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty today announced the Government had scrapped a major part of its Three Waters reforms, ditching the four mega entities that would have delivered freshwater, wastewater and stormwater services to households.

These four entities will become 10 under the revamped and renamed Affordable Water Reform, with their boundaries established roughly along the lines of New Zealand’s 16 regional councils.

Link to article: Rotorua Three Waters reform: Ratepayers could save thousands - NZ Herald


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