
Te Huhi Raupō: New renal unit

expected to offer kidney patients 'support and shelter'

Taranaki Base Hospital's new $13 million renal unit has been gifted the name Te Huhi Raupō to Te Whatu Ora, on behalf of Ngā Iwi o Taranaki and Taumaruroa.

It was opened by Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall today.

Wharehoka Wano, Tumu Whakarito Te Kāhui o Taranaki told the opening ceremony raupō (also know as bullrush) was a resilient plant whose stalks grew tightly together for mutual support.

"It bends before the wind and rain before rising once more when the storm has passed. In the same way, Te Huhi Raupō will provide support and shelter for the patients who come there, helping them to weather the storms they are experiencing and rise again after treatment."

Link to article: Te Huhi Raupō: New renal unit expected to offer kidney patients 'support and shelter' | RNZ News


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