
Te Matatini Kapa Haka 2023:

Over 1.8 million Kiwis tune in to watch

More than 1.8 million Kiwis tuned in to watch Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata 2023, showcasing the best kapa haka Aotearoa has to offer.

Almost 730,000 New Zealanders watched the live broadcast on TVNZ 2 last week, while 188,000 streamed the festival on TVNZ+.

In a press release sharing the numbers today, TVNZ’s deputy director for local and commissioning contact Nevak Rogers (Rongowhakaata, Te Whānau ā Apanui, Tongan) said last week was the biggest week for the platform to date.

“[The] significant audience numbers ... tell us that Te Matatini resonated strongly with viewers across Aotearoa,” she said.

Link to video and article: Te Matatini Kapa Haka 2023: Over 1.8 million Kiwis tune in to watch - NZ Herald


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