
Expert weighs in on how to help boys and men as research reveals

big decline in achievement levels

The results are in. Years of research show a big decline in achievement levels for boys and men, and it's happening all across the developed world.

Men are falling way behind, in test scores, in the workforce, and in family life.

For women, the hard-won right to higher education was an economic game-changer and proved a positive boost for society. But women haven't just caught up, they've surged ahead.

The gender gap for tertiary graduates is now wider than it was in the 1970s, just the other way around.

On the top economic rung, women are still under-represented, and gender issues facing women exist everywhere.

But for the majority of men, particularly those at the lower end of the socio-economic scale, the differences are stark.

Automation has slashed manual jobs by a third, and the fastest-growing job markets - health, education and admin - are still heavily gendered towards women in the eyes of employers.

Men are no longer essential as breadwinners and now working fathers face an identity crisis. More men are absent in their kids' lives, and more are adding to increasing addiction and suicide statistics.

Link to video and article: Expert weighs in on how to help boys and men as research reveals big decline in achievement levels (msn.com)


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