
David Seymour warns universal rights

replaced by rights determined by race

Act leader David Seymour said New Zealand risks turning its back on centuries of enlightenment values like reason and universal human rights.

In his first big speech of the year, Seymour said that “we live under new doctrines that look like life pre-enlightenment”.

“It is more important to follow the new doctrines of privacy, health and safety, and the principles of the Treaty than it is to apply your own judgement and take responsibility for a situation,” he said.

Seymour alleged the current Government judged people by skin colour and background.

“What matters most is your skin colour or background.

“They think we are not all thinking and valuing beings. We are not all equal. We don’t have the same rights and duties. We are either the oppressors or the oppressed… And we should simply feel shame for our heritage, rather than learn from it,” Seymour said.

Link to commentary and article: David Seymour warns universal rights replaced by rights determined by race - NZ Herald


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