
Now we know who the new US Supreme Court judge could be,

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OPINION: By the time you read this, US President Donald Trump will have named his nominee for the US Supreme Court to replace US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg following her death on September 18.

Trump’s said it’ll “most likely be a woman”, but I’m putting my money on Justice Amul Thapar, a sixth circuit judge who once put an 84-year-old nun in prison for a peace protest. I mean, if 2020’s got a guy, it’s the one who’ll throw elderly peace protesters in jail, right?

Let’s see how my prediction plays out, I hope I’m wrong.

Link to article and video: https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/122827405/now-we-know-who-the-new-us-supreme-court-judge-could-be-listen-to-this


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