
Otago university medical students

fight proposal to limit Māori entry pathway

The pathway, which currently has no limit, was designed to boost the number of Māori in the health workforce.

RNZ understands the cap could be 56 Māori students a year, and even less for other minority entry pathways.

The Māori Entry pathway means students only need to reach the minimum grade threshold, be committed to giving back to Māori communities, and have whakapapa to be accepted into the second-year programme.

For students who aren't eligible for the pathway, meeting the minimum grade threshold doesn't necessarily guarantee them admission because spaces are limited.

Link to article: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/te-manu-korihi/424278/otago-university-medical-students-fight-proposal-to-limit-maori-entry-pathway


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